
7th European Business Process Conference

The 7th European Business Process Conference took place in Sheraton Hotel, Zagreb between 20-22 October, 2008. For the past six years it  has acquired the status as of one of the largest Business Process Management conferences in Europe. The Conference was opened by an envoy of the Prime Minister, Mr. Leo Begovic, State Secretary for Economics at the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Entrepreneurship. The main speaker was Per-Olavi Gramstad, Director of programs for interoperability and standards at the Ministry of Informatics in the European Commission, who talked about the possibilities of electronic business and European experiences.
The motto of the seventh conference,"From e-Business to Agility," suggests the way towards success for Croatia and the global economy. "The latest  ICT technology  is ubiqutous in Croatia and now is the time to modernize business processes, introduce electronic business as well as direct management and employees to focus on business agility. Electronic commerce is based on attractive business processes, but it is also a key prerequisite for business efficiency and business sophistication "- said the director of the Conference prof. Ph.D. Slavko Vidovic.
The Conference has been traditionally held under the auspices of the Croatian Government and the Business Process Management Institute. During this two-day conference about one hundred Croatian and foreign experts from the economy and public administration and university professors in the field of management, information technology and management business processes presented their professional papers . The third day was reserved for technology partners and maintenance workshops.
The following topics were presented at BPC 2008: managing the business processes in the economy (e-Commerce), Managing business processes in the state administration (e-Administration and e-Justice), electronic commerce, interoperability and information security, business rules and business process innovation and implementation of ERP systems.
Along with the organizers of InfoDom Ltd. Zagreb, Zagreb Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varazdin, other coorganizers also included the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Entrepreneurship,  the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Science Education and Sports, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Central Office for e-Croatia. The conference confirmed a high maturity level, recognition, and participation in the past years, which was also reflected at BPC 2008 where 400 participants gathered.